Wednesday, 8 June 2011

What is an elevator speech?

An elevator speech is a change management tool, which can be used effectively to get "Buy-in" from very Senrior Stakeholders whithin your organization. The idea here is that if you happen to catch your CEO or VP in an elevator, how could you maximize your chances for the success of your project.

Typical elevator speech is between 20 seconds to 6o seconds.

Typical structure of elevator speech:
  1. The project or solution
  2. The need for change
  3. The vision of the desired state you are working towards
  4. What you would like from the person or their staff

Video Guide

As per the above video following are the components of the 3 minute elevator speech.
  1. Introduction - 30 sec
  2. Body - three interesting ideas - 90 sec
  3. Conclusion - 30 sec
  4. Close with specific call to action - 30 sec

Video Guide

As per the above video the elevator speech must pass 4 key test
  1. Succinct
  2. Easy to understand
  3. Greed inducing / adrressing "What's in it for me"
  4. Irefutable

Example Elevator Pitch

I am the Risk Coordinator for the SCA. I am leading the SCA's Unusual Occurrence Management Project. I am responsible for putting together the focus group to understand the needs of the organization with regards to its occurrence reporting process. I have established the methods which are primarily focused on making the frontline staff reporting process simple and easy. I am people oriented and have recognized  the needs of various stakeholders within the organization. I am a lean six sigma practitioner developing a standard reporting method which will be the key in driving this project a success. Our goal is to have this project live by early August.

Video Guide:Ted Talk

Additional Reading & Tools

How to Craft an Effective Elevator Speech

Harvard Business School - Elevator Speech Builder

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