Tuesday 7 June 2011

Statistics: Power from Data!


Table of contents

Data, information and statistics
  • Definitions
  • Examples
  • Exercise
  • Answers
Data collection
  • Types of data collection
  • Data collection methods
  • Questionnaire design
  • Role of interviewers
  • Exercises
  • Answers
  • Lesson plans
Data processing
  • Introduction
  • Data capture
  • Data editing
  • Imputation
  • Data quality
  • Producing results
  • Exercise
  • Answers
  • Lesson plans
Computers and data

    * History of computers
    * Computers at Statistics Canada
    * The computer industry
    * Exercise
    * Answers

Information: Use in society

    * Using information
    * Case studies
          o Ozone layer depletion
          o Border crossings
          o E-banking
    * Exercise

Problems with using information

    * Misinterpretation of statistics
    * Sampling error
    * Non-sampling error
    * Summary
    * Exercises
    * Answers
    * Lesson plans

Confidentiality, privacy and security

    * Exercise

Organizing data

    * Variables
    * Frequency distribution tables
    * Stem and leaf plots
    * Exercises
    * Answers
    * Lesson plans

Graph types

    * Using graphs
    * Bar graphs
    * Pictographs
    * Pie charts
    * Line graphs
    * Scatterplots
    * Histograms and histographs
    * Summary
    * Create your own graph
    * Exercise
    * Lesson plans

Analytical graphing

    * Cumulative frequency
    * Cumulative percentage
    * Exercise
    * Answers
    * Lesson plans

Measures of central tendency

    * Mean
    * Median
    * Mode
    * Exercise
    * Answers
    * Lesson plans

Measures of spread

    * Range and quartiles
    * Variance and standard deviation
    * Five-number summaries
    * Box and whisker plots
    * Exercise
    * Answers
    * Lesson plans

Sampling methods

    * Selection of a sample
    * Probability sampling
    * Non-probability sampling
    * Estimation
    * Exercise
    * Answers
    * Lesson plans



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