1. Top Management Support: It is estimated that 70% of organizational changes fail. There can be number of things which can go wrong when implementing an organization-wide change. Successful change efforts usually start with commitment from the Top followed-up by the creation and sharing of a newly created change vision using a structured organization mechanism such as change office or steering committee. Most change efforts in healthcare organization utilize a PDSA approach using which a pilot area is first engaged. The change effort is evaluated based on the success and adoption of the pilot.
2. Change Office / Support Set-up: A Change office or team is usually assembled to facilitate and support large scale changes. The team will usually consist members of senior leadership team. This core group plays a key role in championing the vision creation and sharing of this vision throughout the organization.
3. Vision, Mission Statements: The top leadership plays a vital role in creating vision, and mission statements. A compelling vision of the change helps team share the change policy and garnish required support from others to work in a collaborative manner. Some of these will change from its original form as time progresses.
4. Sharing of Vision: This will allow everyone in the organization to embrace and practice the values which directly support the organizational vision.
5. Training and Creating Awareness About The Change: The change team members play a vital role in creating awareness about change to rest of the organization by creating formal and informal presentations at various meetings as well writing newsletter articles in the company magazine.
6. Training For People: Once the team is confident and is receiving support from the management team, staff from the pilot area can then be trained on the change concepts. It is very common to have some cross functional teams to participate in the pilot.
7. Customer Requirements and CTQ: As the team implements changes its vital to ensure that the proposed change is in alignment with customer requirements and CTQ. This will ensure buy-in from staff and will make it easy for everyone involved to see how implementing the proposed changes is going help customers.
8. Change Policy: once the pilot is completed, it should be evaluated for its success and based on lessons learned a new change policy should be written to ensure compliance across the organization.
9. Training For People: Next phase in implementing change is to scale-up the change effort by training rest of the organization.
10. Bench-marking: A good bench-marking can help to evaluate any gaps and success of the change effort in terms of project success. Internal bench-marking as well as external bench-marking can play a crucial role in allowing the organization to continuously learn and identify any gaps in its processes.